
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Changes to my study programme

I think that, in my career, Forest Engineering, they should make many changes in the study programme. The main one, in my opinion, is the organization in terms of field trips, they have been modifying them for years, someone enters the race knowing what the practices of each year will be, but then there are others. I also think that we have to add some subjects and eliminate others. For example, the majority is focused on the industrial area and nowadays, the approach should be extended much more, for example, conservation, non-wood forest products, among other things, should take an important place in the study programme. In addition, there are some elective subjects that I believe should be an obligatory part of our university education.
Another important issue, infrastructure, as a career we have a building with 5 classrooms for around 400 students or more, I find it unacceptable, we must lease the classrooms throughout the year to the career of Agronomy. We must bear in mind that the campus has a fairly large area where there could be another building for us.
Something that I also consider important to address, is the workload and duration of the studies. Currently, at a general level, I think the races are very long, and / or have too many subjects. That must be regulated because I feel that, instead of obtaining more complete professionals, what you get are professionals who know incomplete topics of each area. Having so many subjects and being stressed, makes everyone worry only about passing, no matter that the grade is regular, it is only relevant to pass, because we do not want to delay another year in the race, 5 years are already too long.

My favorite subject this term

In this semester, I do not think I had a favorite subject, but if I had to choose one it would be Non-Wood Forest Products. My teacher was Rosemarie Garay. In this subject, we talk about many trees and the benefits that can be obtained from them, different from wood. I was really surprised by the amount of non-wood forest products that exist in our country, in the end everything is good for something.

However, there is very little information on this type of product, there has not been enough research to be in the market with large volumes for sale. Some of these products are the fruits of rosehip and maqui, boldo leaves, flowers of different species, quillay bark, fungus, etc. I think it is very necessary that the market for these products be developed since the people with the lowest resources who have the possibility of accessing forests or plantations could generate their monthly income based on this sale, but as they do not have much recognition today, what they pay the collectors is very little.

The subject I liked because it shows us the other side of the coin, in that not everything is industry and wood, it seems to me a more dynamic area, but difficult.

Friday, November 23, 2018



I believe that adoption is a very special action because it offers a world of possibilities for those who are adopted. I would like this topic to be better evaluated at a national level, since there are many people who want to have a son or a daughter, but they can not adopt it because the legal issue is very bureaucratic. The system should prioritize people.

Chilean education

Chilean education has been a topic of conflict for many years since people do not agree with the current system, several things are required, including quality. I believe that the demands are very valid and necessary, education in a government should be a priority issue, I hope to see someday that this really improves.


I think that recycling is becoming more important all over the world because we are polluting too much, our planet can not cope with the amount of garbage that each person produces. We are extinguishing species and places in very short periods, it is a situation that we must stop and hope to reverse. There are many countries that work very well recycling, for example, Denmark, a country in which waste is used to produce energy in some areas.


About immigration I think it is something important and beautiful, since it is useful for there to be cultural exchange. I do not understand the people who despise foreigners because at the end of the day nobody owns anyone, the land as such does not belong to us, and we should all be able to go to the place we want without suffering discrimination. I do not understand people who think they are superior just because they are born in certain countries.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Postgraduate studies

Someday I would like to have enough money and the time to do postgraduate studies. I think it is important to continue developing as a person, acquiring a greater amount of knowledge is always useful.

For now there are two areas that I am interested in studying, one of them has to do with everything related to geomatics, that is, making maps through different programs for the study of a variety of ecosystems that sometimes can not be accessed or the time is insufficient to collect information in the field.

The other area in which I would like to specialize is something related to wetlands or water conservation, which is increasingly scarce, so it is urgent to look for a sustainable way to use such a vital resource.

I am not sure where I would like to specialize in these subjects because I do not know about any university that offers them, but I think I would like it to be at the university I study or at the Universidad Austral de Chile. And in case I feel capable, I would like to study in New Zealand. I would like this study to be combined, that is, a part-time course and distance learning.

I hope I am not so adult when I fulfill all these dreams, since I also want to enjoy my youth traveling.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

My future job

Today I will tell you about what I expect in my working life. I would really like to try different jobs during the first years of graduation. I still do not decide on the area in which I want to specialize so I prefer to experiment to make the best decision. For now I think that what I prefer is outdoor work, more connected to nature. As I wrote in another post, my dream is to travel a lot, so if my work contemplates that, it would make me very happy.

As for the salary, I would like it to be a sufficient amount to settle down calmly when I become independent, that is what worries me the most for now.

At the moment I am not studying any specialty, but later maybe I would be interested in forestry or something related to the social field.

Forestry motivates me because I feel it is the area that I could most relate to outdoor work, and social area because I think it is urgent that people care about nature, we are destroying the planet by leaps and bounds and we must do something.

The reason why I chose forestry was because when talking with my sister, she told me that I should study something in which I felt that I could change the world in some way and I think that the planet is the least receiving help from us , their inhabitants, so I hope to contribute what I can.

Friday, October 26, 2018

About my profession

On this occasion I will tell you part of the beautiful things that I find in Forestry. In this career, we mainly study trees in all their aspects and I think it is very important, most of the people are unaware of the tremendous history that exists behind them, many trees have survived great catastrophes, some of them are part of the genre of trees that lived with the dinosaurs. Interesting, right?

I think that knowing more about trees helps us to give more importance to the need to take care of them, they are our source of oxygen. Also, in the forests, which are where the trees are mainly located, they provide us with a lot of goods and services that we sometimes do not value enough. It should be noted that forests are home to wildlife.

As for the people, the forest is a valuable source of food, a place of recreation, they purify the water, they are indispensable!

I chose trees as a theme, since it is the main theme of my career and my favorite. I hope that after knowing a little more about the trees, you will look at them differently when you visit a natural place. See you soon!

Monday, October 15, 2018

My vacation:

In this opportunity I will tell you about one of my favorite vacations. It was about 3 years ago in southern Chile. I visited many natural places with my family but the one that captivated me was the Nature Sanctuary of the Hualpén Peninsula. It is a magical place that I hope you can meet someday, in it you find the perfect combination for me, sea and forest.

I went only during the day but I enjoyed it a lot walking by the sea, going through the forest, feeling the sea breeze that I love.

Getting there is complicated because the signaling is not good, you have to consult the people who live in the surroundings to get the information of the route. I just hope that this place with time is not affected by the pollution caused by people, it would really be a great loss because landscapes like this are nowhere to be found.

Something you should know is that the sanctuary is a place where you can walk or rest in it, but you can not bathe in the sea because the waves are very dangerous. In addition there are no merchants, so if you want to drink or eat something you should buy it before you arrive. Remember to always take your trash.