
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Why study forestry?
Choosing what I wanted to study after graduating from school was a difficult decision. Every year I had a different choice, I don't remember them all
When I was in primary school my dream was to be a veterinarian, because I love animals, after I wanted study Laws because the cases of injustice showed on television programs caused me great impotence and I wanted to have the opportunity of help innocent people. When I was 14 years old I decided that I wanted to study Audit, I really like math, so I thought it was a good option, until I was 17 I still did not change my mind. In my last year of high school I was not sure of my choice, and in a conversation with my sister I remember that she asked me: "What do you want to contribute all your life?", and after much searching I found the information of Forestry, and everything I read I liked, I talked to people who are studying the race and each one convinced me even more that this was really what I wanted, I think there are very few who value the importance of vegetation, we do not take into account everything that gives us, so I contribute a little in this I think that's what would make me happy, and now, in my second year of study, I am more convinced of this.
Greetings, have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. I understand you, I also asked myself that question!
    My respects.
